Order A Stork Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. About Baby *Type of stork?: Birth Announcement Shower Stork Gender Reveal Grandparent Stork Twins! *Boy or girl? (For twins, select all that apply): Boy Girl *Baby Name (First and Middle only): *Birthdate: *Weight (lbs, oz): *Length (inches): *Want to add a Monogram? ($5 upcharge): Yes No *Monogram (Please List First Initial, Middle, Last): Sibling/Accent Stars *Need a star?: Yes No Number of stars: Star Style: Select One (if applicable)1 Proud Big Brother/Sister...2 Big Brother/Sister Welcomes Home...3 Accent Star (Custom Message Below) Siblings Name/Gender or Accent Star info (i.e. "We Love You": *Need a Dog Bone?: Yes No Dogs Name/Gender (i.e. "Fido Fetched a Baby Brother): Stork Delivery Details *Stork Delivery Date (if not sure, use 'TBD'): *Delivery Address: *Delivery City, Zip: Gate Code (if applicable): *Rush Delivery (Less than 24 hours; May result in additional fees): Yes No *Rental Period: 1 week 2 weeks 1 day (Shower) Parents' Names (first only): Parent Phone # (# of someone at delivery address): Purchaser Information *Purchaser Name: *Purchaser Phone: *Purchaser Email: Gift from whom? (Grammie, Pa, Aunt Kelley): Any additional comments about the order: Additional Information How did you hear about us?: Returning Customer Internet Referral Saw stork in yard *May we photograph your stork? (may be used for website/Facebook page - no information on parents, purchaser, or home will be shown): Yes No